.comment-link {margin-left:.6em;} Making Sense: e-Digest of Brand Thinking

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Hey, is that a cocktail you're drinking?

Things aren't looking too rosy for the beer industry.
According to this article in AdAge.com entitled
U.S. Beer Business Continues Decline, beer sales accounted
for 53.2% of the alcohol beverage market in 2004,
down from 56% in 1999. This according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.
The spirits segment, however, grew to $15.1 billion in 2004, or 31.3% of the market, up from 28.2% five years earlier.

So, who will save beer? Some say women will. An article on realbeer.com,
Women boost beer sales, quotes findings from market analyst Datamonitor in London stating that female drinkers, attracted by "light" choices, now account for 30% of the market.

The British pub group has launched a one-million pound beer campaign, called
Beautiful Beer The promotion, aimed at women, includes smaller and more "feminine" glasses.

Going after women drinkers is smart, but I think brewers are missing a big opportunity to do some sensory branding. Every can or bottle of beer sounds the same when you open it. But it doesn't have to be that way. Think what the branding implications would be if Heineken could create a unique sound when their beer was opened. It could even be something musical. I'm not alone on this; check out
Beer Sounds

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