Saturday, June 25, 2005
Changing the way you look at change
Change in the marketplace is inevitable. In my June 13th post, I wrote about the change "search" is bringing to business-to-business advertising. Business should be ready for change, I stated (like you didn't know that already). Of course, being ready for change works best when you recognize what is changing. For some companies that's difficult to do. Take AccuWeather, for instance. They used to be the number one weather service in the nation. That is, until the Weather Channel left them in the dust. "For two decades now," writes Paul Keegan in the May 2005 issue of Business 2.0, "the Weather Channel has proven that weather is a media business, where distribution and marketing matter far more than being right." His article, "Stormy Weather," is well worth reading. It's a textbook example of how change often goes unnoticed, or worse, gets completely ignored.