Thursday, April 27, 2006
Tag Line of the Month (Hopefully this will become a regular feature)

What can you say about tag lines? Some are good. Some are bad. And some make no sense at all. The tag line featured this month, however, makes a lot of sense. It works from the outside in, connecting brand to customer in a clear, concise way. It not only delivers a strong brand promise; it defines who that promise is for. Who are we talking about here? None other than Safe Auto Insurance Company. Their tag line:
"We keep you legal for less."
When it comes to insurance, the Safe Auto folks are the mavens of minimum coverage. Their target customer is not interested in getting the best deal on auto insurance the way Geico's or Progressive's customers are. Safe Auto's customers see things differently. They aren't buying auto insurance as such; they are buying proof of auto insurance--a little wallet-size card that lets them meet state motor vehicle requirements.Safe Auto's tag line captures the essence of the brand completely. It leaves no room for misinterpretation. It offers a safe harbor to those who can't afford broader coverage or who don't care who they run into on the road. So while I admire the tag line, I still wince every time I hear it on TV and hope one of their minimum coverage drivers doesn't run into