Monday, June 25, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Redefining the role of crop circles in consumer culture

Will the real BP please stand up.

As BP’s Web site explains: “A new breed of energy company demanded a new breed of identity. The Helios, our logo, was inspired by the image of a sunflower: a living organic form, reflecting our commitment to more environmental ways of producing energy.”
BP's brand positioning, “Beyond Petroleum,” leaves no room for doubt that they are moving towards alternative forms of renewable energy. Again, from BP’s Web site: “Beyond Petroleum is a summation of our brand promise and values. It's our way of expressing our brand to the world in the most succinct and focused way possible. It is both our philosophical ideal and a practical description of our work."
In some areas, Beyond Petroleum is already a reality for BP. For example, in the solar energy realm, BP Solar has established itself as a worldwide leader in manufacturing and delivering advanced solar electric systems. They are also the most global (according to BP) of all PV (Photovoltaic) companies, operating cell production facilities on four continents. BP is also developing other forms of alternative energy, including wind power, hydrogen power and natural gas power. Sounds pretty green to me.
But there’s also an un-green side to BP. It surfaced in 2005, with an explosion and fire at their Texas City refinery that killed 15 workers and injured 170. As reported in the Houston Chronicle , it prompted The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board to issue an urgent safety recommendation for the first time in its history, requesting that BP PLC form an independent panel of experts to review safety at the company's five North American refineries.
In 2006, corrosion in BP’s Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, pipeline led to nearly 5,000 barrels of crude oil spilling out across the snow, reports FORTUNE Magazine. Worse yet, it was discovered that six miles of BP’s pipeline were badly corroded. Federal investigators in Anchorage launched a criminal probe into BP's maintenance practices on the North Slope, convening a grand jury and ordering BP to turn over a six-foot section of the pipe that burst.
These two tragic events tore big, jagged holes in BP’s green reputation, not to mention squandering a big chunk of BP’s hard-earned brand equity and tarnishing their flagship Helios logo. The unfortunate part of all of this is that both events might have been prevented had BP taken its maintenance and safety responsibilities more seriously.
The takeaway for us, as brand thinkers, is that good branding should always be a 360-degree activity. Ignore any part of your brand's circle, and you risk looking dishonest, misleading or deceptive to the world outside that circle. In short, you become one more hypocritical corporate voice in a sea of the same.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Looking for a new brand experience? This one comes to you.

As you flip through its pages, you begin a fun, appetizing journey through the store. Goodies, such as Organic Wild Blueberries, Hazelnut & Fig Cookie Thins, and New Zealand Grass Fed Sharp Cheddar, spring forth to tantalize you—right from your easy chair. It’s a cunning strategy, because when you cross the Trader Joe’s threshold after reading the Flyer, you’re predisposed to view your shopping experience as an extension of the one you underwent at home.
This has nothing to do with the previous two paragraphs, but while we are on the subject of Trader Joe’s, check out the March 27th post, Conspicuous Virtues, in Cool News, published by According to Joseph Rago in The Wall Street Journal (3/23/07), “many consumers are not seeking an outright demonstration of wealth” but rather to “demonstrate their innate goodness … A trip to the supermarket is instructive. For some time, everyday food has groaned with every sort of moral sentiment: all-natural, sustainable, cage-free, organic, organic, organic … They are virtuous goods.” Retailers like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, says Joseph,“ base their identities (and marketing strategies) on giving people a way to eat so that each of us may demonstrate where we rank in the virtue standings.”

So, there you have it. The secret to a virtuous life—shop at Trader Joe’s and sleep at Hilton.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Mr. Clean finds his feminine side

Was the great-granddaughter of Mr. Clean.”
-Bob Dylan
What does Mr. Clean do in his off time? One can only guess. But based on the latest P&G brand extension, Mr. Clean Multi-Surfaces Liquid Cleaners , he might have been watching Oxygen, HGTV or Lifetime. Because these new products come in five fresh scents that according to the Mr. Clean Web site, “will leave your home and all the items in it clean and smelling great!” The scents are Ultimate Orange, Sparkling Apple, Summer Citrus, Invigorating Breeze and Spring Garden. Think household cleaner meets aromatherapy.
The point of all this? It just goes to show that brands can’t grow by being one-trick ponies anymore.

Another good example of how far you can extend a brand is Newell Rubbermaid's Sharpie® brand . They are in the midst of a brand renaissance, taking what was once a somber permanent black ink marker and raising it to a colorful, cult-like status.
Labels: brand, brand color, brand extension, brand personality, brand positioning, brand strategy
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
AT&T to Cingular: Hit the road “Jack”

One good thing—according to the folks at Strategic Name Development, they’re going about the transition in the right way. “AT&T's press release assures us that its efforts will "transfer Cingular's strong brand equity to the new AT&T." I think that, as reported in AdWeek, the brand transition technique AT&T is employing in its advertising to transition from the Cingular

But what about poor Jack? Will he be sold like the sock puppet? He could certainly pep up a bank or a fast food chain. Perhaps AT&T will list him on eBay. Stay tuned.
Labels: brand, brand personality, brand positioning, name, sock puppet
Friday, February 09, 2007
A Ford by any other name is still a Ford

The logic behind this move? Here’s what Mark Fields, Ford's President of The Americas, had to say at the recent Chicago Auto Show: “Taurus has been an icon for Ford's family sedan for more than two decades, and it's time to return this powerful name to where it belongs. Consumer awareness of the Taurus name is double the Five Hundred that it's replacing.”
Fields went on to say, “By giving these vehicles the names that consumers recognize at the same time we're making significant upgrades, we're confident that even more people are going to be attracted to these great products in the future." I love it when they talk like that.
This reminds me, in a way, of when The Coca-Cola Company launched New Coke, and then,

Time will tell where the Ford Motor Company sits on that continuum.
Labels: brand personality, brand positioning, brand strategy, Ford, Goizueta, name, The Coca-Cola Company